Online Therapy
services in greater Sacramento and throughout california
Finding it hard to get to appointments due to long work hours, health concerns, children and other life obligations? We provide telehealth therapy sessions for your convenience. Through audio and video over the internet, you can meet with a therapist from your desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile device (iOS or Android).
Telehealth allows you to connect anywhere with secure and convenient appointments that save you time and hassle. There’s no need to deal with traffic, time off work, or a babysitter when you can schedule and attend your appointments directly from a laptop or mobile device. Just like a face-to-face appointment, your telehealth visit will be private and confidential. We use a HIPAA compliant platform for the video sessions.
Prior to your appointment be sure you are in a suitable room that is quiet, private, and free of distractions. To keep background noise to a minimum, make sure to close any doors, shut windows, turn off the television to minimize distractions and disruptions.